Monday, January 31, 2011

Notebook Examples

Sisters' Stuff has posted samples of what is included in their organziational notebook that I posted about last week.  Go here to see them.  Good ideas!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride

So by now you're probably noticing that my life is a lot like a roller coaster ride.  Our move has been post poned until the end of May.  This will allow me to have my little bundle of joy here which I'm really excited about.  I really like my doctor and trust him.  They'll hold Kevin's job until then which I'm extremely thankful for.

So now I get to unpack!  (I'll be so good at this moving business.)  And then I get to try to get out the syrup that my sweet little angel dumped all over the carpet while I was trying to be productive.  My next project should be something to keep the fridge shut.

Stay tuned for the next turn on the roller coaster ride.  :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Planner Perfect

Jenny from Planner Perfect is giving some great tips on Tatertots and Jello today.  You HAVE to go read it here.  What great ideas! 

One of the tips that she suggests is getting up before your children every day.  I seriously have to work on this.  I love to sleep in and one of my girls wakes me up every morning.  Kevin goes to work every morning and I don't get up with him and I feel bad all day long...doesn't keep me from sleeping in though.  I will get better at this.  Should be easy with a new baby...I won't be sleep deprived at all, right?  :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Move and Organizational Notebook

Just when I think that I have a good plan and have finally found time to have some "me" time...things change.  It looks like I have a little over a week to pack up and move my family 12 hours from here.  Kevin got a job earlier than we thought and we feel really good about this move so I'm excited.  So once again, my posting and projects are going to be random and less frequent.  We take the good with the bad I guess right?

I found this great idea on Sisters' Stuff.  Go here to check it out.

They've made this great notebook that contains everything they need to keep themselves organized.

What a great idea!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Organization Tips!

Here are some tips I've come accross.  Hope they help!:
  1. To discourge clutter, make this rule: If you carry it in, you carry it out.  Items left out at the end of the night go into the "penalty box."  To retrieve them, you have to pay the penalty, such as doing a dreaded household chore. (Donna Smallin, author of A to Z Storage Solutions)
  2. Give frequently accessed papers (take-out menus, sports schedules, phone directories) a dedicated spot, rather than in a pile on the counter or stuck to the fridge.  Three-hole-punch all that paper and store it in a pretty binder with labeled tabs.  (Aby Garvey,
  3. Tackle your junk drawer first.  Remove anything you don't use at least monthly, then sort what's left into the compartments of a drawer organizer that completely fills the drawer.  You won't have room to stash things that don't belong there.  (Better Homes and Garden)
  4. Every time you arrive home, clear the car of anything that doesn't permanently belong in it.  Keep a tote or basket in the car for this purpose-nobody leaves the car empty-handed! (Better Homes and Garden)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wall Calendar

Let's get organized, organized...I wanna get organized. Lets get into organized. Let me here your body talk... :) Oh dear! Do you know what song I'm talking about? "Let's get physical" by Olivia Newton John. It just popped into my head. Strange? Yes!  I'll blame it on the abundance of hormones in my body.  :)

One of the much needed aspects that my life is lacking is organization. At the start of this month, I went through my unpacked boxes that have been stashed since August and finally found places for everything. After a few trips to Goodwill, all...well most of my junk is gone. One thing that has been driving me crazy is our spare bedroom/office/sewing room/throw everything in and shut the door room. I can finally say that the closet doors shut and stuff doesn't fall out of them when you open them.

I'll have to admit that I'm a list girl.  I really like the feeling of checking things of lists.  (Sometimes I ad stuff that I've done to a current list just so I can check it off.)  I feel the same way about calendars.  I like having everything planned out even though I don't always do this.  I have a desk calendar for all of my family stuff and appointments but I wanted a calendar for my projects.

I took an old frame and covered  everything including the glass with fabric.  I cut it a little bigger than I needed and just folded over the back and taped it.  You could also add some batting behind the fabric.  I just didn't have any at the time.

I just printed a calendar off.  I'm waiting for them to go on sale and then I'll buy one but for now, my printed one will work.  I painted the outside a bit just so it wasn't just plain ol' wood.  Then I hooked some ribbon and hung it on the wall.  

Then I just wrote down my projects for the month and its finished.

It didn't take long at all, even with Joselyn helping me paint and Macey helping me on the computer.  :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Confessions - My Goals

For some reason I feel the need to confess a few things to you all.  So here it goes! 

I am a procrastinator, pack rat, unorganized and emotional!  Phew...I feel better!

Now that I have that off of my chest I feel like I can move forward with this new year and the great things that I want to accomplish.  Every year I try to make some goals that I would like to accomplish. By the end of the month, I'm not real sure where I've placed that long list. I've bound to not let that happen this year. (Wish me luck!)  Here are a few of my New Year's Resolutions.
  1. Become a better seamstress
  2. Figure out the whole couponing thing
  3. Stay organized and not let the clutter run my life
  4. Develop and stick to a budget
  5. BE PATIENT in all things

These are just a few of the things that I want to work on this year.  (I won't bore you with all of the many things that I want to do better.)

I would like to start over with a clean slate with this blog and really try to make it great...with regular postings...helpful tutorials...clever ideas...

Let the fun begin!  I was going to wait until the first of February but I'm feeling anxious so why hold off any longer right?  Starting Monday, January 17th, this blog is going to ROCK!  :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm alive! I promise!

As you can see by my lack of posts, I've been a bit of a slacker the last few months.  A lot has changed in my life and I haven't taken the time to post what's going on.  In August we moved but first Kevin and I went on a second honeymoon to Florida and the Carribean.  It was great to get away just the two of us but was hard to be away from the girls for 8 days!  We also are expecting our 3rd child due the end of April.  We're super excited and crossing our fingers for a boy.  We're just thrilled to have another baby though and feel extremely blessed.

I promise I have some great things planned for this year.  I've been working on some resolutions and will be posting about them in the weeks to come.  I hope to make a "come back" to the blogging world the first of February so be patient with me.  I wanted to have everything organized by the first of the year but I'm always running behind. :)

I hope everyone is doing great and excited for what this new year has to offer.