Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fabric Finds - Part 2

Sorry that I'm just now getting these posted.  Here are some more of my finds in the fabric that I got a couple weeks ago.

Sister Mott made this quilt blocks and embroidered names on them.  They are beautiful.

Here's a stack of fabric that I don't want.  Any takers?

And here's a stack of smaller pieces.  There's some cute stuff in there but I think I already have more than I should at this point.  Any takers on these?

And then there's this.  I'm not real sure what she made with it but it's supper cool.  I don't know if you can tell but the underneath is some kind of rubbery foam.  I think it's darn cool but again...don't have much room to store it.

If anyone wants any of this stuff (excluding the quilt blocks of course) please let me know.  If I don't have any takers, I'll probably take it to good will.  Let me know soon if you're interested.

1 comment:

*aNdY* said...

I would like any material you dont want.. unless you have other plans with it.. :)