Monday, September 26, 2011

A Trendy Diaper Bag

I made this diaper bag for my sister Lisa. I didn't want it to look like the typical looking diaper bag. I wanted it to be a little more trendy.  I came across The Tohoku Tote by I Am Momma Hear Me Roar and I thought it would work perfect.  It's a super easy tutorial to follow.  I just used the pattern for the tote and added some width and adjusted the straps and bow a bit.

I added a snap to hook keys too.  Am I the only one who is always losing keys at the bottom of my bag?

I love the big bow and the fabric I used.  I think this is one of my favorites so far.

I also included a wipe case.

And of course a little bag filled with medicine and a few important items (like bandaids, safety pins, alcohol swabs...)

Now she just needs a few diapers and the baby to come and she's ready to go.  :)

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